If you are looking to save time and energy during gardening, then you need to know how to increase water pressure from the garden hose. Sometimes, the garden hose may experience a low-pressure issue, which makes it hard for you to finish your gardening and watering on time. It can be very hard to fix the low-pressure problem, especially when you do not know what is causing it.
What then causes low pressure on the garden hose? Low pressure can be caused by several issues such as a long hose, obstruction in the hose or the sprayer, clogged pipes, leaking pipes, or corrosion at the valve.
When you know the cause of the low pressure, it is easy for you to rectify the problem at little or no cost. However, if the cause is not well known or the damage is severe, you may need specialized equipment to fix your garden hose.
Why Does the Pressure On the Garden Hose Fall?
Most people encounter low pressure on their garden hose. The situation is quite frustrating, thus, requiring you to resolve it as soon as possible for you to continue enjoying watering your garden. The length of the hose, the diameter of the hose, and water pressure may determine how the water flows in the garden hose. Experts recommend using a stand length hose to help with the pressure problem.
Sometimes, the water service hours may determine the pressure of water in your garden hose. If you water your garden during hours when the demand for water is high, especially if you use municipal water, you may face a water pressure issue.
In most areas, mornings and evenings are high water demand hours, when most people water their gardens. Therefore, you need to check if the hours affect the pressure of the water and change your watering schedule.
If your main valve is not turned on fully, the pressure of water in your garden hose may be low. In this case, ensure that the valve is fully turned on so that the pressure is high.
Any obstruction in your garden tap may also cause low pressure in the garden hose. You can repair or change the tap if you want to increase the water pressure in the garden hose. The garden hose may also be leaking, causing low pressure. Check if it is, and make the necessary repairs to fix the situation.
Lastly, contaminants may make your garden hose pump water under low pressure. The contaminants may be present in the water you are using, especially if you use greywater for gardening. Contaminants clog garden hoses and also decrease the pressure of the water. To solve this issue, you need to constantly check the quality of your water to remove any contaminants ahead of time.
How to Increase Water Pressure in the Garden Hose?
Remove Dirt In The Garden Hose
Clogged areas cause the hose and the sprinklers to have low pressure. If you do not regularly maintain your garden hose, dirt may build up and cause clogging. Dirty hoses reduce water pressure. Therefore, to optimize the water pressure, ensure you carry out regular garden hose maintenance.
Use A Water Pressure Tester
A pressure tester should come in handy when you are experiencing low pressure. You can use it to check the main water supply pressure. Testers are affordable and very convenient.
A tester can be connected easily to your garden hose and the main water supply to help you check the pressure amount. It will help you to identify if the problem is coming from the main water supply or if it is from the garden hose.
Once you connect the pressure tester, check the readings of the gauge, and the ideal pressure should range between 45 – 55 psi. If your water is at the normal pressure, it should read around 40 – 60psi. If the gauge goes over 60 psi, your garden appliances may become damaged. If the gauge reads anything below 45 psi, the main water supply could be the main reason for the low pressure.
To fix the low water pressure from the main water supply, check your water pressure regulator and use a wrench to turn it clockwise. If you do, the pressure will increase. Turn it slowly, checking if the pressure is getting to the required level. Do not go over 70 psi as your garden accessories may get damaged.
You can also install a high-powered nozzle to help boost the water pressure. A water pressure booster helps to concentrate the water on the tube, increasing the pressure. The water booster may bring high pressure. Therefore, you need to be careful when installing it so that you do not damage your plants.
Fix The Leaks
Leaks are very common problems that cause low pressure in garden hoses. If you want to check if the hose has any leaks, lay it flat on the ground and turn on the water from the tap. Check for the leaks carefully to see if the water is escaping from any place from the hose. The leaks can be very small; therefore, you must be very keen. If you notice a leak, use a rubber patching kit to repair it.
Straighten The Hose
Sometimes, a kink or twist on the hose may cause low pressure. Therefore, if you notice a sudden drop in pressure, it may mean that the hose has kinked. Straighten all the twisted points and the pressure will be back.
Buy A Pump To Boost The Pressure
If you want to boost the pressure in your garden hose, you can buy pressure booster equipment; for instance, a pump. The price range of pumps differs, based on the required pressure and how to set it up. A pump is safe to use if you are not getting the required pressure from the main water supply. A pump works by boosting the water coming from the pipes using an electric pump.
Buy A Larger Diameter Garden Hose
A larger diameter hose pipe can help you get the pressure you desire. If you get a hose with a half-inch diameter you will get only 9 gallons of water every minute. However, a three quarter inch diameter will deliver around 23 gallons every minute.
Fix The Connections
Check the connection between your hose and the outdoor faucet. The cooling should be tightly screwed and straight. If not, the spray of water from your faucet connection will cause a decrease in the water pressure.
Use Spray Attachments
Spray attachments are cheap and help in boosting water pressure significantly, although spray attachments may seem like conventional gardening ways, they help a lot in increasing water pressure at the end of the hose. You can always choose a spray attachment that will allow you to make adjustments to the water pressure.
Final Thoughts
A low-pressure problem should not make you stop watering your garden plants. Low pressure is a problem that you can always fix by following the above steps of have an expert check the hose for you. As you check for the problem in your garden hose, you need to be very keen so that you can identify the problem quickly. Once fixed, you can continue planting and getting the best results. A good supply of water will make you enjoy the activity.